1、M11. Its said that this diseaseaffectsmillions in the world every year. (侵袭,使感染)2. In the last years, I have read various news, which is vital to myargument.(论点)3. Hi, would you please go through the report of chemicalcompositioninspection?(成分)Ok, Im glad to.4. In my opinion, government officials cl
2、earlydeservesome of the blame as well in dealing with the disaster.(应受到)5. After dealing with Rose, he foundher cold, ice-like anddistant.(冷漠的,疏远的)6. The Christie Ball soon became the socialeventof the year.(社交活动)7. There were also several accidents mainly caused by enginefailureson take-off.(故障)8.
3、Sometimes the young man just need to turn to a motherfigurefor a bit of a chat and comfort.(角色)9. Thephysicaluniverse is limited in space and time , as we know.(物质的)10. Police searched five houses in south-east London andrecoveredstolen goods.(重新获得)11. They saw the man with a little girlskippingalon
4、g behind him.(蹦跳着走)12. The company isstrugglingto find buyers for its new product.(勉力维持,竭力做)13. There should be greatertreatmentof waste water before it is poured out.(处理)M21.Too much protein in the diet mayadvancethe aging process.vt.(推动;加速的进程)2. Abbot lookedblank, saying “ I dont quite follow, sir
5、.” adj.(茫然的,面无表情的)3. Farmersare desertingtheir fields and coming here looking for jobs. vt.(抛弃,舍弃)4. I would certainlydismissany behaviors of impropriety by the Labour Party. vt.(不予考虑)5. Afterdueconsideration it was decided to send him away to live with parents. adj.(适当的)6. He gave amildanswer, in s
6、pite of his anger. adj.(温和的)7. We were only able to make aroughevaluation of how much fuel would be required. adj.(大概的)8. She will be signalingmassive changes in energy policy at this time tomorrow. vt.(表示)9. Theres been asteeprise in the rate of inflation since five years ago. adj.(数量增减)急剧的10. We h
7、ave a relationship infinitelysuperiorto those of many of our friends. adj.(优于,比好)11. Shetowersover other dancers of her generation. vi.(高出)M31. He is putting theaccenton the skills during reading the passages.(着重点,强调)2. McGregor must remain restricted, on thebasisof the medical reports we have recei
8、ved.( 原因,缘由)3. When I asked how it was today, heobservedthat it was a lovely day.(说话,评论)4. The popular press tends torepresenthim as an environmental leader. (展现,描述)5. Theyraisedthe money to buy the house and two hundred acres of grounds.( 筹募)6. The UK has refused torecognizethe new government in No
9、rth Africa.(认可,接受,赞成)M41. He has a shelf full of things, each of which hasassociationsfor him. ( 联想,联系)2. Ill make abargainwith you. Ill play hostess if youll include Matthew in your guest-list.( 协议,交易)3. The insurance plan will provide cashbenefitsto your family in case of your death.(保险金)4. Outsid
10、e, abittereast wind was accompanied by flurries of snow.(严寒的)5. Sharon, many experts believe that the two pictures are roughlycontemporary.I dont quite agree. The painting styles may look very similar but their painters were born in quite different dynasties. (属同时期的,同一时代的)6. Private firms are willin
11、g to make large scale investments to helpcureRussias economic troubles. (解决,了结(问题))7. It was an actor whose nameescapesme for the moment.(被忘掉;被忽视)8. I wonder why the Sun teamfadedin the second half yesterday.(运动员/运动队等)走下坡路)9. Sylvia took quite afancyto him the moment she saw him.(喜欢上/爱上)10. Her Maje
12、sty laterhonoredthe Headmaster with her presence at lunch.honour sb. with ones presence(大驾光临)11. He is considered to be of nobleoriginin the club. (出身)12. The flywheel battery, it is said, couldpoweran electric car for 600 miles on a single charge. (给提供动力) 13. Trade union demands forsecurewages and
13、employment. (稳定的)14. At the end of the tennis season, we weretiedwith the Tigers. (与打成平局)15. He leaned away from her, and she had totipher head back to see him.(仰起)16. Letstoastthe friendship between two countries. (干杯)17. Tiffany designed her sitting room with simple decorativetricks. (技巧,诀窍)18. Em
14、ma looked very upset after marriage, so I do not think he is considering herwelfare.(幸福)19. These new trains reallyzipalong and maybe it only takes two hours to arrive in Beijing. (快速移动)M51. Too often he onlyabsorbshalf the information in the brochure.(理解,掌握)2. She never reallyappreciatedthe depth a
15、nd bitterness of the Iraq conflict.(意识到,领会)3. John is anathleticboy and he is good at running. (有运动天赋的)4. I cant take all thecreditfor the shows success-it was team effort.(揽下所有的功劳)5. Large numbers of immigrantsfloodedinto the area after the war broke out. (涌入)6. As a famous painter, Ted was veryparticularabout the colors he used.(讲究,挑剔)7. I continued to measure his progressagainstthe charts in the doctors office.(与相比较)8. The conversation